Monday, September 27, 2010

Peter and the Cock's Crow

From: BrianIsYahweh youtube channel
Sept 27, 2010

Well right now, you have 144 subscribers, 88 friends, 11 subscriptions, #24 most viewed today and 266 channel comments before mine. Interesting numbers.

OMG, Praise Yahweh and Asherah and the Heavely Angels These numbers add up to 533 in Greek Concordance is to Deny, and brings up All the Peter Denying Jesus and the Cocks Crow!!! and in Hebrew is strong mighty courageous Wow! I Love You, Mum and Dad The REAL DEAL! Wake Up People, how much longer are Going to Deny Yahweh is Back in Town? Go here to see for yourselves! ( blueletterbible )

BrianIsYahweh September 27, 2010

Peter was the true apostle for Jesus, not Paul