Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pastor Peni....the lame walk!!!!

KeyOfDavid2222 | Feb 24, 2011

And the lame walk once again...Pastor Peni was a cyclist and a long time employee since the opening of the Sheraton Hotel more than 30 years ago when I was in Fiji as a young woman with 4 girl friends...1981 and we stayed at the Sheraton...
Peni had a stroke had been laying on his bed not moving for 3 years until the day of his treatment ...Yahweh and Lami carried him in through the door to our Shepherd's hut and Peni walked out holding onto Lami's shoulder with just one hand and smiling all the way...Peni regained his speech and now one week later you can see for yourselves how determined Peni is to get back to full strength through excercise that Lami has him doing...Peni's goal is to preach the good news from the pulpit once again and yes he does know who we are...what a weapon against Lucifer he will be.....the smiling faces of all we treat like PNG says it all and is the light that dispels the darkness....