Monday, January 19, 2009

The reason for being reborn is to do with Bells theorem

It stipulates that atomic entities are always connected. What this means is that subatomic partials when caused to be divided, regardless of distance or time, they will behave in a manor as if they were still as one. Hyperspace physics bring additional information to the fore, as in hyperspace , multi dimensional universe, although incredibly small, matter is reduced to and energy of pure string like vibrations.
In this envelop of matter, the human ghost departs the flesh of the former and as all matter is a form of light vibration, the person is dualistic, in that at the hyperspace level, that light matter of the flesh is separated into two identical entities, one is removed to heaven, while the other is transported as waves of light, at the speed of light to intercept the original place of the first existence, and must follow the same reassembly of the former within the same genetic soup from which the former was organized.
To reenter the earthly plane, it must be reconstructed vie the womb and as Jesus was the most royal being of the Father and the line of David, that must also be duplicated, and according to prophecy, Isaiah 22:22, born of the house of David at the second coming.
In other words, the flesh of Jesus, being of matter which as stated is like all other matter, a form of light, was reduced to the subatomic particles and these are connected over space time and identical to each other and is performing the same function as the original, and is the original in another realm of space time.
For this reason the diagonal of the Great pyramid in its full structure, indicating the base measure of the same number as the solar year, 36524.24, P” has a diagonal of 1077.26 feet, which indicated the present generation as it is in feet.The measure in P Inches is a past time, so we read the present by the British feet, and it represents one foot = 1 hour at the speed of light for the second participle of the original Jesus flesh
From that we must look for the synchronicity and we find it in several ways. The first is the number 1077 which in Greek is genesia as in birthday, or birthday ceremonies. The 26 in Hebrew gematria is God, the 26th word in Greek is Love, the distance the solar system has traveled in 1910 years is +- 722 trillion miles, and this distance at the speed of light is 1077.26 hours.And 1910 X Pi = 6000
To understand this we look at the death of Charles I, the last king of England who, like his father James VI, believed rightfully that the kings were placed on the throne of Israel by God, and this was known as the Divine Right of Kings
As James was a wonderful man and the most righteous king ever, he was inspired by God to have a new translation made available for the general public, 1604 and by 1610 it was ready.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charles was set upon by the Freemasons and beheaded on January 30th 1649 and here we have the same number, for if we add 107726 days, we have my birth date, January 11th 1944.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charles himself died for the throne of Christ, and for that, history must reward him for doing so on th date that links his death to my birth. As Paradise is where we all expect to go, and as the Lord prayer tells us that what Jesus is doing in heaven, the same Jesus, will do on the earth, and here we have the reason for myself being born again.
The wife of God, the mother of Jesus, was and is symbolically Jerusalem the mother religion and it is within man as the female soul, who marries Christ at the second coming, as I am the head of that being God in the flesh as the third principle of the one subdivided entity, God the Father, who was I in the beginning, the Jesus, the public name of the baby born to Bethlehem when Jupiter aligned with Venus on June 17th 2 BC, to live a perfect 12345 days.
Then to die, resurrect and appear to the masses, then after remaining on the earth for 49 days, ascend to sit on the right hand of God.
This time period enabled the second principle of the atoms to be transported at the speed of light, forward in space time, to arrive back on the earth and reenter the world via my mothers womb.
In that time, the 1077.26 hours was being played out, or 44.88 or 45 days.
Now the Earth was to then age at the earth experience and 1910 years would pass, but for me, only 44.88 days as I being now the third part of the trinity, was the second principle on the atomic level, of Jesus in atomic form as light and matter, transported across space time the 722 trillion miles to intercept the earth at a place north of where it was when death occurred and the sub atomic particles separated, to be moved as the same principle, where it would be in, after a time period of 1910 years at 43,200 miles per hour, where the speed of light and the motion of the solar system would intercept.
Light bends in space, and therefore the moon is not actually held by gravity or the attraction of the Earth, it is in fact moving in a straight line as is the earth in its orbit.
The Sun distorts gravity and the straight path of the earth, as it is also light like all matter, is caused to be bent, and the earth bends the gravity of that in which the moon is also moving in a straight line, to be in like manor bent. Therefore as the subatomic particles of Jesus was in two places, being separated by time space as subject to the speed of light, the person of the second coming, was also following a curved straight line away from and around the Sun out into a hyperspace realm where the curved path of light reentered this realm in 1943 after an earth period of 1910 years.
Here we look for the synchronicity and we have 1910 Greek epibaino to walk upon, sit upon, embark and or arrive, in the act of or in the relationship of, direction, a place, time, towards, through etc, literally of figuratively.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leading to Revelation 19:10 testimony is the spirit of prophecy, 11 is John saw heaven opened, seeing Jesus but with a new name, to judge and make war, the second coming
John was seeing how I would return, but was told I would have a new name, no longer Jesus, 12 his eyes were flame of fire, very angry, on his heads were many crowns, as being the rightful king, and Lord, with a name written, no man knew but me, and is why I am retelling you in the flesh.
13 in a vesture dipped in the crushed blood of the sour grapes of the poison of the nations churches who dare to tell my children that I am not Jesus, and God in the flesh, Isaiah 63:1-6
14 and the armies, also who have died and their subatomic particles have been able to follow me, as I am the first to do it, number 144,000, these being the first fruits
15 and out of my mouth, as I am in your face, am telling you that I am Jesus one and two and am God who wields the two edged sword, the word of God in the flesh in Jesus and the gospels and now me in the flesh who is putting all the numbers of the word of God on a platter.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh, a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.
Any further questions?Love Jesus