Thursday, March 19, 2009

Connecting The H5N1 Dots
Connecting The H5N1 Dots
From A.
True Ott PhD

Ok Kiddies, let's play my favorite game again --- connect the dots.

Dot #1: As reported so courageously and well by our new friend, Alexander Jones, Price Waterhouse/Cooper in conjunction with their Chicago client, Baxter Intl., have conspired to keep a lid on what is perhaps THE BIGGEST STORY of the decade --- the PANDEMIC FLU H5N1 mutation bio-engineered by Dr. Taubenberger et. al. at Ft. Detrick was intentionally blended with the HUMAN-SPECIFIC H3N2 virus and sent to 18 European labs as a basis for their VACCINE PRODUCTION -- proving once again that any "pandemic" killing millions of innocents is bio-engineered and will be started via VACCINATIONS.

Dot #2. One of Price Waterhouse/Cooper's single biggest clients? Wall Street giant, Goldman Sachs - a partner with PW in the Satyam scandal in India - similar in many ways to America's Enron "creative accounting" scandal.

Dot #3. Bush's Treasure Secretary Paulson, the "engineering architect" of the original TARP bailout (and continued "strategic advisor" to current Treasury Secretary Geithner) as well as Obama's "Stimulus Plan" was CEO of Goldman Sachs until assuming the Treasury post.

Dot #4. Goldman Sachs was the primary investment firm that brokered the "shorted" stock purchases in corporations negatively affected by the events of 9-11. The windfall profits were left unclaimed following reports in the Wall Street Journal. No SEC or Congressional investigation by the 9-11 Commission into this "smoking gun" was ever conducted, however.

Dot #5. Paulson's 2006 "salary" from Goldman Sachs? $160 million dollars. This makes the A.I.G. executive bonuses mere chump change. Why would he take over a $159 million dollar "pay cut" to become U.S.
Treasury secretary?????

Dot #6. Paulson used the IRS as his weapon of revenge against an equally corrupt Governor Eliot Spitzer. Why? As New York AG, Spitzer had dared to indict Goldman Sachs for insider trading practices.
V indeed stands for Vendetta -- and Khazarian Jews never forget!!

Dot #7. According to Scotland's "Sunday Herald" newpaper, the Rothschild "City of London"-controlled Royal Bank of Scotland is poised to receive BILLIONS from Obama's "Stimulus Package". Further BILLIONS of U.S. tax dollars go to the CIty of London via A.I.G. re-insuring of derivatives hedged by Barclay Bank of England, Goldman Sachs, and Lloyds of London, Obama keeps the media distracted by venting over mere millions being paid out to A.I.G. executives. All of the ACCOUNTING RECORDS concerning these fraudulent transactions are being kept by --- you guessed it ---- Price Waterhouse/Cooper.

Dot #8. Tuesday, March 10, 2009 -- the Dow surged 379 points thanks to a U.S. Treasury "stress test" audit of the TRILLIONS in phony derivatives held by zombie bank - CITIBANK. According to CNBC reporters, GOLDMAN SACHS was given an "insider tip" to this audit, and as a result, grabbed millions of dollars in day-trading profits from the stock surge. The derivatives are then removed from CITIBANK into a MORMON-CHURCH-OWNED account in Key Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah.
For the full story, see

Dot #9. Arabian multi-billionaire, Uncle of Al-Quaida-founder Osama bin Laden, and ARMS DEALER to the rich and powerful ZIONISTS worldwide, Adnan Khashoggi built and finances Key Bank in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Basel, Switzerland --- as well as the TRIAD Center that houses the Mormon-Church-owned KSL TV and Radio conglomerates.


Dot #10.
In Adam Lebor's Hitler's Secret Bankers (see also Charles Higham's Trading With the Enemy), we learn how the Basel-based Bank for International

Settlements (BIS) and its American president, Thomas McKittrick, continued trading and money laundering on behalf of the Nazis throughout the Second

World War -- then financed the removal of key Nazi scientists involved in the Nazi EUGENICS movement from Germany into UTAH and South America via the OSS/CIA's "Operation Paper Clip".

Dot #11. BIS is an international organization of central banks established under the globalist Bretton-Woods International Financial scheme.
BIS is closely associated with the Bilderberg Group, the elitist organization established by the Nazi collaborator Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (see Alden Hatch 's H. R. H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands for more on Bernhard's SS connections).

Dot #12. It should be noted that Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, Obama's point man on the economy and former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, also sits on the board of directors of BIS (Fed mob boss Ben Bernanke also sits on the board of this one-time Nazi front group that currently controls the IMF and World Bank).
These are the men that President Barack O-Bama has chosen to bring America "Change you can Believe In"???

Dot #13. It is no mistake Bilderberg and Rockefeller stooge Henry Kissinger came out very early in favor of Obama, as did Rockefeller minion and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Obama's appointees are overwhelmingly of the globalist and bankster persuasion - a preponderant number are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. Financial support for the Obama campaign flowed in from Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and others -- ALL POISED TO RECEIVE THE LION'S SHARE OF "BAILOUT" DOLLARS.


The bottom line is this. There is no doubt that these MOBSTERS are poised to first strip all remaining wealth out of the British Colony called the United States, then proceed with GENOCIDE followed by CHINESE COMMUNIST possession of the land and real wealth that is AMERICA.