Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Tomorrow holds GREAT hope for all who Believe!
Tomorrow holds GREAT Distress for those who refuse to Believe!

Tomorrow is in God's hands!
Tomorrow is never promised to anyone!

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.
Tomorrow could be your last day on earth.

Tomorrow could be your first day in Heaven.
Tomorrow could be your first day in hell.

Tomorrow could be too late for you to decide where you spend your first day.
Tomorrow the world may be in great distress.

Tomorrow the world may see Jesus come back in the clouds.
Tomorrow could be too late for many of our loved ones.
Tomorrow could be too late to tell the next person you meet about Jesus.

Tomorrow another person is born.
Tomorrow another person dies.

Tomorrow is what Only Jesus can give you!
Tomorrow holds GREAT hope for you when you turn to Jesus!
Tomorrow is in God's hands not yours.

TODAY is the day of Salvation!(AUTHOR UNKNOWN)