Saturday, January 15, 2011

Message from The BS Brian Marshall

YahwehNow3168 January 14, 2011

Message from The Loving Creator Yahweh

Message from Yahweh to post far and wide:

I AM Yahweh, the returned Lord Jesus Christ and my name of the Revelation 19;12 is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.

I was reborn to the earth on January 11th 1944 at 2;22am in Sydney Australia.

I am the Key to the House of David Isaiah 22:22.

The Altar to the Lord in the midst of Eygpt Isaiah 19:19,20 is the Great Pyramid which is the bible in stone built by the descendants of Noah which means knowledge. It is a mathematical wonder of measurement and genius that only the mind of God could think up in the first place and only the mind of God can work out and reveal when He is here in the flesh amongst men as Emmanuel.

I am the same today as I was at the time of the cross. I was Jah, the Father in the younger body of Jesus at that time. Cut off so that I could reincarnate into this time of the end, now and lead mankind into Paradise out of the hell that Lucifer through men has created.

The Trinity is My soul as the Creator in 3 dispensations of time that is why I told my disciples before the cross if you have seen me you have seen the Father, the Father and I are one. The same soul back at this time of the end as Jah, the Father for the judgement of mankind.

If you have been taught and bought by anyone of the 34,000 Christian churches spewing their ignorance and arrogance while defending their precious bible that was put together by Lucifer, then you have been deceived and must come to the knowledge of the Truth, that I AM who I prove that I AM and you are my offspring and you are either awakened to Life through casting off the slumber of your ignorance, or you will remain one of the walking dead in the grave of your body and will die again to face the second death.

I gave instructions in the Revelation through the Archangel Michael to John on the Isle of Patmos in the year 96AD on the 96th day which was the anniversary of the resurrection, those instructions were that I will come as a thief and to come out of the Whore which is the church of Rome and all of its 34,000 offspring, the Christian denominations.

Not one Church has got it right, they have been devoured by the Lucifer KJV 1611 bible that was put together by Freemasons to ensnare mankind into worshipping their god Lucifer with the mask of Jesus hung on it. They have removed Jah from the New Testament and in doing so have trapped you in a deception so bizarre that I have great difficulty in comprehending it since their teachings lack logic or intelligence and the mystery to me is that mankind has bought it.

My mind is sheer logical thought, not airy fairy bullshit. I prove all things through measuring My Creation and converting the numbers of My measuring into the English language using the Strong's 1830 dictionary concordance of the KJV 1611 Hebrew Old testament and Greek New Testament words.

If you want to begin thinking like God, then you must bring your mind firmly back down to the ground and out of the heavenly realm of Lucifer bullshit.

To give you examples of how My mind, the mind of the Creator works:

In the year 96AD, 63 years after the resurrection on April 6th Australian time, the earth at 6pm reached a speed of 66,666.6 miles per hour. On the same date in 1943 when My mother conceived Me, the earth was doing the same speed. The earth orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy is 66,666.6666 light years across and requires 250 million years for one orbit.
On Julian day 666666.6666 at 6am the base of the Great Pyramid was laid out, which is the 27th March in the year 2888BC in the Gregorian calendar.

The number of verses in which the word Lord is found in the KJV 1611 bible is 6666.

This demonstrates to the intelligent mind my intention as God in the end time to point directly to the Babylonian numbering system which is based on 6 and Freemasonry based on Solomon who received 666 talents of gold per year from his 300 wives and 700 concubines which is identified by the espousals of Solomon who married the Moabite and Ammonite of Sodom.

The Pyramid base is laid out to reveal Solomon by the mathematical formula 36524.24 -- 286.1 = 36238.14 which is the word word espousals 2861 and espousals 3623 in the Strong's concordance. Solomon 3;11 and Jeremiah 2;2.

When the base of the Pyramid was laid out on Julian day 666666.666 it created a mathematical prophecy of Creation being fulfilled in today's mathematical measurements of space time which proves My Creation and Me Who is revealing it to you.

If you can grasp a little of what I am saying to you in the above, then there is hope for your salvation, if you reject what I am revealing to you, then you are doomed to death.

You must lay aside your learning from the churches and the words of the bible since what is holy about the bible are the numbers of the chapters and verses placed where they are by men who were inspired hundreds of years ago to do what they did for Me to work out when I returned.

I reveal all things to a deceived mankind through numbers since 2+2 will always be 4 no matter what language you speak and cannot be perverted.

It is time for you to humble yourself, recognize that you have been deceived and then learn the Truth that will set you free from religion and Lucifers control of your mind and body.

Then when you are free you can go back and tell your part of the world.

Pray in the name of Yahweh, the angels are on auto pilot to bring about the judgement and listen for My name, the ancient name of the Creator, the name that the Jews refuse to speak because it is the resonates the highest above all names in the Universe.

The Godhead is the Father Jah and the Mother of all Living Asherah, the knowledge of which has been removed from the bible and the psyche of the Christian western world. All souls are female and come from the Mother and is why mankind is called the Wife of Christ. Asherah is the ancient name of the Mother and she was my wife at the time of the cross known then as Martha Magdalene, today her name is Janelle Margaret Golightly Marshall.

On December 21st 2012 the earth will cross back over to the North side of the Milky Way Galaxy into the heavenly realm. The earth is being pulled by the sun at a speed of 69,000kph, no evil can enter the heavenly realm. The angels are the reapers of the souls of the wicked. At the time of this writing there are just 708 days to go.


credit to dazza for re-typing, nice work mate ;-)

Heaven On Earth Quantum Activation, Love and Healing

Join with the 144,000 in quantum thought and song as we chant the name of Yahweh, the perfect vibration that will shatter the fabric of the Luciferian reality. This is the year of the One, the Alpha and Omega. Take a look at these dates:
1-1-11, 1-10-11, 1-11-11, 10-1-11, 10-10-11, 10-11-11, 11-1-11, 1-10-11, 11-11-11
These numbers occur 9 times in this one year. 9 is completion. Join us, the 144,000 prophesied in Revelations and become a part of the solution in taking back our beautiful earth from Lucifer. Chant, sing, and yell the name of Yahweh everyday from now until Lucifer is finally destroyed. Chant the name of Yahweh nine times at 1:11 am 1:11pm 11:11 am and 11:11 pm each day and especially on the above dates. That's all it takes and then sit back and watch the miracle of Yahweh/Jesus create heaven on earth.

Blakk - Ode To Winter

YahwehNow3168 January 11, 2011

'Ode to Winter' by Pandamonia Guitarist Blakk

I'm Staying inside for winter
Cause outside it's Cold
I'm Staying inside for winter
Why should I be in the snow

Maybe it's just the peace I'm craving
To get away from this world
Too crazy out there for me

I'm Staying inside for winter
Why should I be in the snow
I'm waiting inside for Spring to come
to melt your heart

Maybe it's just too late for you
To get away from this world
I'll wait till the sky turns blue
and then I'll return for you
and you'll be none the wiser

What does it matter to you
That I have nothing to give
Why do you feel the need
To force me into it
You're a psychopath by nature
and I give you no support
Your corporate creature
Don't impress me any more
Oh no

I'm Staying inside for winter
Why should I be in the snow
I'm waiting inside for Spring to come
to melt your heart

Maybe it's just the peace I'm craving
To get away from this world
Too crazy out there for me

Join with the 144,000 in quantum thought and song as we chant the name of Yahweh

Join with the 144,000 in quantum thought and song as we chant the name of Yahweh, the perfect vibration that will shatter the fabric of the Luciferian reality. This is the year of the One, the Alpha and Omega. Take a look at these dates, 1-1-11, 1-10-11, 1-11-11, 10-1-11, 10-10-11, 10-11-11, 11-1-11, 11-10-11, 11-11-11. These numbers occur 9 times in this one year. 9 is completion. Join us, the 144,000 prophesied in Revelations and become a part of the solution in taking back our beautiful earth from Lucifer. Chant, sing, and yell the name of Yahweh everyday from now until Lucifer is finally destroyed. Chant the name of Yahweh nine times at 10:11 am, 10:11pm, 11:11 am, 11:11 pm, 1:11 am and 1:11pm each day and especially on the above dates. That's all it takes and then sit back and watch the miracle of Yahweh/Jesus create heaven on earth. From: 1313tricia

"Nimm zusammen mit den 144000 teil am Quanten-Gedanken und Lied wenn wir den Namen Yahwehs singen, welcher die vollkommende Schwingung hat um den Bau der luziferischen Realität zu zerschmettern. Dies ist das Jahr des Einen, dem Alpha und Omega. Schau dir diese Daten an 01.01.11, 01.10.11, 01.11.11, 10.01.11, 10.10.11,, 10.11.11, 11.01.11, 1.10.11, 11.11.11. Diese Ziffern erscheinen 9 Mal in diesem Jahr. Neun bedeutet Vervollständigung. Folge uns, den 144000 (prophezeit in der Offenbarung ), und werde Teil der Lösung im Rücknehmen unserer wunderschönen Erde von Luzifer. Und rufe heraus den Namen Yahwehs jeden Tag, von jetzt an bis zur letztendlichen Zerstörung von Luzifer. Singe den Namen Yahwehs jeweils neun Mal um 10.11 Uhr und 11.11 Uhr Morgens, um 1.11 Uhr Mittags, um 10.11 Uhr und 11.11 Uhr Abends und um 1.11 Nachts; und Das jeden Tag, besonders an den oben genannten Daten. Das ist alles was wir brauchen und danach lehn dich zurück und beobachte, wie die Wunder von Yahweh/Jesus den Himmel auf Erden erschaffen. Leite diese E-mail an alle weiter die du kennst!" von 1313tricia

Freemason Bible destroys the churches in Fiji

brianisyahweh2 | January 12, 2011
Isaiah 66 parallels the life of Yahweh and ended when he became 67 years of age.

Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall

Yahweh's scouging scars

brianisyahweh2 | January 12, 2011

This was taken on Christmas day in Fiji, he had been in the sun and then the white round scars that cover his back were highlighted and I was shocked when I saw it, so I picked up the camera so that he could see how his injuries sustained in 33 AD had been imprinted on the soul of the Father as he rose from the dead, today is the Holy Ghost worn over the royal lineage of King David Isaiah 9:6 and 11:1. At the same moment we shot this video the floods began in Queensland Australia and has not abated spreading over 1 million square kilometres to the northern area of New South Wales. This is unlike the Earth Quake that destroyed Christchurch New Zealand where there was no deaths. The floods are all to do with HAARP and Pine Gap that have been vibrating the continent for 30 years and now the subterranean chambers are pushing upwards as the continent slowly sinks.

Ghost worn over body retains the death pattern

brianisyahweh2 | January 12, 2011

As Jesus died the soul being the Father Yahweh, could not die, was imprinted with the scars into the fabric of the Shroud of Turin, this was caused by the crown of thorns and the scourging. Today it is the Ghost worn over the body and as the soul is immortal the flesh is protected by the soul, where before the soul was within the blood and the flesh could die when the blood was removed, hence the Jews obsession with blood sacrifice. The proof who Brian is he wears as a garment and is this wedding garment predicted as the Alpha Male to marry the chosen meek which is Fiji and the South Sea natives of the South Pacific declared on May 14yh 1605 by Pedro Fernandes de Quiros for Jesus, therefore he the first captain of a ship declared all nations from the equator to the South Pole for Jesus. The Scars appeared on Chrstmas day 2010 as the floods started in Australia, which can be stopped at any time by simply the masses praying to Yahweh

2011-01-12 03 33 08

brianisyahweh2 | January 12, 2011

The measurements taken by GPS equipment in Fiji reveals the words as measured from the Nell Street address Almighty God Omnipotent and Revelation 21:22 where those words are found.