Tuesday, May 11, 2010


MichelleNye — May 07, 2010 —

On August 18th 2009 Janelle traveled to Canberra to hand deliver to the Governor General, she the Queens representative in Australia and by law must hand my demand to the Queen to step down from the throne of David and swear fealty to the Christ, myself Yahweh in the flesh. Her position is to be custodian of the throne of David until Christ comes. It was ignored, however Janelle was picked up on a speeding camera going to the Governor General and coming back from the Governor General resulting in a Federal Police summons to appear in court. This proves she was on her way to the Governor General's office and now we can go to court. We have prepared a demand of the Queen and it will be placed as evidence as the lawyers who are Notaries of the Queen refuse to witness our demands that we have now translated into Polish and is being sent email to the world