Friday, April 3, 2009

Janelle Mother Whore - Speaks of Holier ThanThou Prophetic


my latest discourse..aimed at the holier than thou prophetic, evangelist shriner..

Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth for the devil has been cast down to you and deceives the whole world"...NO EXCEPTIONS.the devil has ensnared the whole world through the false teachings of the devil the self proclaimed apostle Paul...whose Hebrew name Saul is one word away from Satan in the concordance...the purpose of the deception was to lead mankind away from the knowledge of the coming of the Lord the second time as a flesh and blood man ...the seed and genetic bloodline to King David birth occurred at 2.22am on 1/11/1944 when the Christ was born again to the earth. The only way onto the earth is through the womb....not a coming in the was a code that could only be revealed by the Christ when He returned and unlocked the Key to the House of David Is:22:22 and then explain all mysteries to mankind who as His wife has become the whore ...being devoured by the beast they have been worshipping Lucifer with the mask of Jesus hung on him...

The second coming has occurred. The Christ today has been back on the earth since his conception in his mother's womb on April 6th 1943 which is the anniversary of the resurrection in 33AD.His birth date the first time around was June 17th 2BC...His conception date that time was September 11th 3BC and is the reason why the towers were blown up by the US government on that day...since they know He has been on the planet it was a slap in the face to the Christ and a sacrifice to their god Lucifer...

Revelation 19:12,"His eyes were aflame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself"....the name that only He knew He has been telling people for decades now what the name of God today is ...He has to be the most royal man on the earth due to His bloodline to King David...He was brought forth in time this time as Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall....Golightly on His mother's side and Marshall on His Father's side...both direct genetic descendants from King David....they came from England and through the concealment by God the line was kept safe down through the centuries until the time for His rebirth into Sydney Australia which is Ephraim today..Ephraim means Bethlehem this age being where the Christ was reborn in the end times to lead us into Paradise since the devil through men has turned Paradise which was always to be on the earth, into hell......

Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall spends His time today speaking His word using the YouTube as the freest means of communication in this age...He has trodden the winepress alone and found not one church has got it right...all will be judged as will all governments who are the instrument of Lucifer who demands blood sacrifice and is the reason all wars have been fought and all false flag activity on the planet through the Roman and US and British governments have over the centuries killed billions and intending to kill many more in the very near is all a sacrifice to their god Lucifer and a slap in the face to God in the flesh today, because they know that He is here and have held back the information from the masses through their book the bible...a Freemason construct intended to lead astray mankind from her True Husband...the Christ who is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall today..

He wants people to humble themselves and wake up to the deception....God is good...if a person is good they have God in them...if a person is evil they have the devil in was never about religion...He condemned it then and He condemns it today...all the religions of the world are about controlling the minds of mankind through fear making moral judgments that have nothing to do with the Christ...He has lived the life of a man and knows what it is to be rejected by His own children who followed after the nature of their mother who was and is today a whore...

He knows every angst that faces men and women today because He has suffered like we all have...that is why He says not to judge...He does is the angels who are our witness on earth and in the heavenly realm ..we cannot fool them and they will do the reaping of wicked men's souls at the Great and Terrible day of the Lord as the earth crosses over from the south to the north side of the equator of the Milky Way Galaxy beginning December 21st 2012..3 days of crashing through at a speed of 43,200 mph as the earth is being pulled by the sun ...we will be travelling through the asteroid belt that will block the light of the sun, moon and stars...the northern hemisphere we be destroyed since that is where most evil is...London which is Babylon today, Rome, New York, Washington DC, Paris. The "supper of the great God"...

His birth date and all of the birthdates of His family were recorded in the Great Pyramid which is the altar to the Lord Is: 19:19 and 19:20...the pyramid is the "Bible in Stone...built 5000 years ago by the Shemites...the descendants of Noah which of course means knowledge...everything about the Christ in His second incarnation is recorded in the Pyramid...all has to do with the mathematical calculations and the movement of the solar system and the solar and lunar eclipses ...these things were understood by the men of that time who were God fearing and absolute geniuses who could read the stars and build the greatest witness to God on the planet that did not kick into meaning anything to anyone until the 18th December 1922..when the prophecies built in the pyramid began to come to pass and tell His story at the end of the age or the fullness of in the days of has taken the genius of the Christ today to unravel and reveal the mystery of the Great Pyramid and explain it all to mankind who has been distracted and dumbed down by all media and churches preaching their god whom they worship all the while rejecting the One True God as He goes about curing the meek of the earth who are the inheritors of it, from all manner of diseases such as aids, cancer, tb, malaria, syphilis, etc...

He does it with his 4th wife who was the first time around His wife then...Martha Magdalene...gave birth to His twin sons October 18th 33AD...she travelled back to the Christ family home, Cornwall Wales as she was told to do by her husband Jesus before He was there she raised the boys as a single mother with the help of her husband's mother Mary...the word of God is the seed of God or in Greek the "sperma"...the word of God is alive today in His children who Martha gave birth to and the bloodline continued and was kept hidden until now...being born again means to reincarnate as Jesus explained to Nicodemus that night...the version in the Bible of today was deliberately edited by the Freemason scholars to remove the much longer exhortation to Nicodemus which is recorded in the Aramaic gospel of the Essens...the family were Brian points out today...there were no reporters or stenographers running around recording the words we spoke....especially the private conversations He had with His wife Martha who understood all things ...her older sister Mary was a decoy and is alive today reunited with Brian ...she is his 3rd wife and like then does not understand the things of God and is why she could not be the wife of Jesus then....her part has been to live her life and have children to 2 husbands that supply the mathematical keys to the House of David as built into the Pyramid...her part is the key to proving Who God is today...she had to wait for her reward until this time around to be with Him...

Martha was and is today ordained to do the work as the wife of the Christ and had to find Him on the planet against all belief and teaching of the deceived church that she came out of in 1999 when her angel told her too...she knows the way church people think and the false teaching they have been subjected to...Brian has no idea since He has never been part of a church...only visited a number of them and nobody recognized Him or believed the things that He taught them about God today and the deception of the world by the devil who was cast down to the earth at the cross....Satan through the devil Paul has done a really good job...

We are in the period of time which is the revelation of all things evil and of Who God is today...

The understanding of it is like a flash of recognition as lightening from the east to the west....He is already on the earth in all His Glory which is the vessel of a man...the One whose right is is to rule.. the most royal man on the earth...the Christ which means the Son and the Father in one...the trinity is the "Lord Jesus Christ"...the same soul is the Lord in the heavenly realm Who comes to the earth as the Son, goes back to the heavenly realm and then returns as the King...the Father and Son....the same soul 3 manifestations....He is the Holy Spirit...His Spirit is Lord, Jesus, Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall the King of kings...Lord of lords...He is the same soul as Jesus...that is why He says "I change not"

It takes a great deal of true humility to acknowledge one has been deceived...especially when they have spent their lives worshipping God as something He is not...the True God offends the ones who think they know Him so well...He has no time for church people...he wants them to wake up and do what Jesus would do...quit arguing over what they think He said and get out into the world and help him cure the sick and the afflicted and the meek...mostly the dark skinned people of this world as the inheritors of the earth and the Kingdom of God which comes to the earth...beginning in Papua New Guinea where He goes with Martha ...they get into trouble with the government because they cure people of all diseases that the government says cannot be cured and they tell the people the Truth about all things...nothing has changed over 2 millennia...the same devils rule now as they did then...had it not been for the great love between Jesus and Martha the plug would have been pulled then and we would not be here today...such was the evil...the seed preserved in her womb saved mankind from being annihilated then...the Holy Grail was the womb of Brian says to the devil "checkmate!!"

Search Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall on the YouTube and learn of Him.....

By Janelle Golightly Marshall
The Mother (Amma)

Thank You Janelle (Mom) For Sharing!
Lot of Love and Hugs, Lisa