Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Iran

Who is this guy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Is he a good guy? what is the difference between Musliums, Islam and radical islam? why do the woman wear burkas, is that freedom? is this President for Shari Laws and how is that good for the rest of the world, You dont go by these laws, you get or head chopped off or some other extreme form of punishment? How is this Gods way? Sodomy is a bad thing but, is it a right of a government to hang u for it? Is He part of the Muslium Brotherhood? I see he talks a good talk but i also seeing a darker side.

Comment from a friend:

as Iran's leader he does make many excellent points about the Wests corruption & agenda re: Palestine, His own country is a dictatorial, theocracy, under his reign. You totally nailed it when you mentioned the Burqas & the way women are treated. Women still get stoned to death in Iran for driving cars without a male relative beside them. Women still get arrested for attempting to get educated & start a business (other than as a teacher) This is state law under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.. I work with some Iranian refugees & have heard about how Iranian citizens risk death & or imprisonment trying to leave the country. Internet is limited in Iran & 99% of ppl have a censored internet (like China) Gays get hung, beaten, raped & worse. Statistics show more male to male rape in Iran than most western countries. This is coz Mahmoud Ahmadinejad states there are no Gays in Iran. This pushes people into extreme hatred. Ironically, straight men do the raping."

This may be true, but what about they way they treat their women? They still stone woman. and those mercy killings? And They have No gay men there, just ask the ones that just got hanged for it! and some straight men have Raped Supposed "Gay Men" The Whole world is Wacked. Whats the difference between Shari Laws and the Talumud? Not much, they are both EVIL. Yahweh Save us!

How To Treat Ahmadinejad
The Islamic Republic's leaders know perfectly well what terrible things they have done, and continue to do, which is why they try to hide them. Anyone who publicizes human rights violations; anyone who takes part in an exchange program with America; any member of a religious or ethnic minority; and even those who fight polygamy can be accused of "acting against national security" or instigating a "velvet revolution." At this very moment, several civil rights activists are on death row.
(President Ahmadinejad) His interlocutors in New York should hold him accountable for his government's appalling human rights record. They should remind him that hundreds of executions each year, censorship, and the harsh treatment of journalists, dissidents, and human rights activists reflects the fact that his views are not shared by millions of Iranians.
Read more here:
Human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Makes Lisa want to Gag! This society is of God? WTF. I think some people have had way too much Coke Cola. There are Sooo Many Atrocities on this article it's too big to post on my little blogger page!

Gender inequality
Unequal value for women's testimony compared to that of a man,[136] and traditional attitudes towards women's behavior and clothing as a way of explaining rape[137] have made conviction for rape of women difficult if not impossible in Iran. One widely criticized case was that of Atefah Sahaaleh, who was executed by the state for 'inappropriate sexual relations', despite evidence she was most probably a rape victim.

Compulsory hijab
In Spring 2007, Iranian police launched a crackdown against women accused of not covering up enough, arresting hundreds of women, some for wearing too tight an overcoat or letting too much hair peek out from under their veil. The campaign in the streets of major cities is the toughest such crackdown since the Islamic revolution.More than one million Iranians (mostly women) have been arrested in the past year (May 2007-May 2008) for violating the state dress code according to a May 2008 NBCToday Show report by Matt Lauer.

Child executions in Iran
In January 2005, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which monitors states' compliance with the CRC, urged Iran to immediately stay all executions of child offenders and to abolish the use of the death penalty in such cases. In the summer of 2006, the Iranian Parliament reportedly passed a bill establishing special courts for children and adolescents. However, it has not yet been approved by the Council of Guardians, which supervises Iran's legislation to ensure conformity with Islamic principles. During the past four years, the Iranian authorities have reportedly been considering legislation to ban the death penalty for child offenders. Recent comments by a judiciary spokesperson indicates that the proposed law would only prohibit the death penalty for certain crimes, and not all crimes committed by children.

In spite of these efforts, the number of child offenders executed in Iran has risen during the past two years. As of July 2008, Stop Child Executions Campaign has recorded over 130 children facing executions in Iran.

LGBT rights in Iran
Homosexual acts and adultery are criminal and punishable by life imprisonment or death after multiple offenses, and the same sentences apply to convictions for treason and apostasy. Those accused by the state of homosexual acts are routinely flogged and threatened with execution. Iran is one of seven countries in the world that apply the death penalty for homosexual acts; all of them justify this punishment with Islamic law. The Judiciary does not recognize the concept of sexual orientation, and thus from a legal standpoint there are no homosexuals or bisexuals, only heterosexuals committing homosexual acts.

Capital punishment in Iran
Iran retains the death penalty for a large number of offenses, among them cursing the Prophet, certain drug offenses, murder, and certain hadd crimes, including adultery, incest, rape, fornication, drinking alcohol, “sodomy,” same-sex sexual conduct between men without penetration, lesbianism, “being at enmity with God” (mohareb), and “corruption on earth” (Mofsed-e-filarz).

Although it is a signatory to the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which states that "[the] sentence of death shall not be imposed for crimes committed by persons below eighteen years of age.”, Iran continues to execute children for various offenses.

In 2008 at 346 confirmed executions were carried out in Iran. In 2009, 252 people were officially executed but 300 more executions were unacknowledged by the government according to Human rights groups,

In the first half of 2011, human rights groups estimated that an average of two people a day were being executed. Officially the executions are related to drug trafficking, but independent observers have questioned this claim

Deaths in custody
In what has been called "an act of violence unprecedented in Iranian history" the Iranian government summarily, extrajudicially, and secretly executed thousands of political prisoners held in Iranian jails in the summer of 1988. According to Human Rights Watch the majority of prisoners had had unfair trials by the revolutionary courts, and in any case had not been sentenced to death. The "deliberate and systematic manner in which these extrajudicial executions took place constitutes a crime against humanity." The Iranian government has never "provided any information" on the executions because it has never acknowledged their existence.However there is indication that government believed the prisoners were being tried according to Islamic law before being executed. According to reports of prisoners who escaped execution, the prisoners were all given a quick legal proceeding - however brief and unfair - with Mojahideen found guilty condemned as moharebs (those who war against God) and leftists as mortads (apostates from Islam).

Harsh punishments Stoning #Iran
Following traditional shariah punishment for thieves, courts in Iran have sometimes sentenced offenders to amputation of both "the right hand and left foot cut off, making it difficult, if not impossible, for the condemned to walk, even with a cane or crutches." This was the fate, for example, of five convicted robbers in the Sistan-Baluchistan Province in January 2008 according to the news agency ISNA.

Shariah also includes stoning and explicitly states that stones used must be small enough to not kill instantly. As of July 2010, The Iranian penal code authorizes stoning as a punishment. However, Iran says a new draft of the penal code that has removed stoning is currently under review by the Iranian parliament and has yet to be ratified. The use of stoning as a punishment may be declining or banned altogether.

God is about Love, True Justice comes from a Loving Heart ~ LisaMarie Wonders